last updated on 19 March 2022

Björn Rüffer/Fast and Efficient Static Randomisation via SageMath, Generators, and Decorators

28 June 2020

Fast and Efficient Static Randomisation via SageMath, Generators, and Decorators

Presented at the E-Assessment in Mathematical Sciences 2020 conference, Newcastle, UK

As part of the COVID-19 response my institution has moved all lectures, including assessment, to online formats in March 2020. As result, a lot urgent work had to go into making the very rudimentary assessment system in the Blackboard e-learning platform usable for mathematical assessments.

A few days ago, I have shared my insights, experiences, and workflow with other mathematical educators at the E-Assessment in Mathematical Sciences 2020 conference.


Learn how to create static, multi-version questions effectively using SageMath, a free, python based mathematics software system, for a range of output media. The key ingredient is a workflow based on python generators and decorators. We show example use cases for LaTeX and Blackboard output that power the assessment generation for large (> 500 students) undergraduate courses at the University of Newcastle, Australia.

Here you can find

In the talk I mention MATHxxxx, which is a static assessment generator, that I created and talked about a few years ago. It is free to use.